Monday, November 29

Don't ever change, don't ever leave. 
Just stay who you are. 

Aha , semalam evening

Aku dah insane. Aku tgh tgk 2 days 1 night and at the same time tgh texting , aha. So aku pakai type je , tak fikir ape2. (Selalunya sebelum aku hntr text , aku akn fikir 2,3 kali. Aha) :D But semalam x boleh focus sbb tgh tgk pakwe tersayang di tv semalam , ehe Lee Seung Gi. :D :D :D

Then aku tgk balik sent items , OMG APE AKU DAH BAGITAU DIA ? biar lah , benda dah lepas. Then delete2 semua texts semalam. Aha.

Oh meanwhile kat fb , aku nmpk seorang manusia. Dan dia sangat handsome. Ceh tak ah , dia sangat normal. Weh , ape aku ckp ni. Maksud aku dia pun pergi Cheng Ho expo jgak (tempat yg aku tgk bnyk org cina buat show)  Fuh fuh aku rasa sgt alive. *bodoh.
Heartless la sangat eh ?

Hi. Thinking bout what i feel , and what i was dreaming makes me feel stupid. Curse myself , I AM A STUPID , moron. I was deleting my text messages in my inbox , asyik memory full je. Then tiba2 phone ckp takde sim dlm phone. Er -______-

Okay sekarang aku dgr ade org sedang salahkan adik aku. Mentang2 aku dlm bilik , kau nak buli la eh ? Banyak hodoh muka kau

Saturday, November 27

My boys

My boys ,yeah they are. My siblings , but not my hero. Instead , im their hero. Ahahaha :D Abe was mad at me , dia nak text dgn Fizman , but i screamed , "TAK PAYAH , DIA TAKDE KREDIT"
But abe degil , "Ok , create message...." Then dia stop. Dia tahu kot i wasnt lying , ahaha.
Alamak abe kau ni annoying ah , pergi jauh2 lah. Kau makan kuih ape doh ? Bagi aku sikit.

Abe : Ala kak yong , nugget hangus. tu pun nak cerita ?!?!
Aku : .......................................
Abe: Jahat kak yong
Aku : .........................

Happy Tree Friends

My cousin showed me Happy Tree Friends show , haha it was hillarious , even sometimes i screamed , but watching the show made me forget bout my problems. Wait , aku ade problem ke ?  Ade , masalah mental.

Ahahaha. Sekarang ni aku tengah berkabung , sebab

  • Taylor Swift straighten her hair :/
  • Geng aku mngambil masa hmpir 1 jam untuk rep text aku
  • Sepupu aku dah tersuka korea. Bukan ke aku patut bangga ? And happy. But tak. Dia suruh aku ajr bhs korea. Even aku dah terangkan korea n bm are 2 different things.
(Zulaikha , sepupu kau ade kat tepi kau je) *tgk muka izzati* 
Izzati : KENAPA ?
Aku: *senyum*


Im Zulaikha and i want these for my birthday : 


i asked him today , and he said we were friends.


Sakinah told me this :

“Kalau dia anggap kau kawan biasa je, jangan suka dia.
Nanti kau heartbroken lagi

Thanks :D 

Thursday, November 25

Today , (but mostly bout yesterday)

I woke up early today,thanks to fizman. Dissapointed with myself, i was heartless when i hear his voice. still mamai, haha. I took my bath early today , ehem "A lucky day starts with an early shower" Thats wat i always tell my mom. Usually i took my bath when it is nearly 2PM , but today is different. No reason why.

Yesterday my uncle brought us to the stadium , they got Cheng Ho expo ? No wonder all the shows were performed by the chinese people, oh and i spotted someone , his face is like kinda Fizman. i dunno why i thought like that, maybe bcoz i was texting with him ? But whatever, i enjoy stalking him drinking his water. haha

I got headache at yesterday night, which annoyed me a lot. I cant focus when i was texting. Haiyaaa. My cousin is addicted with the My gf is A Gumiho , which sometimes make me want to slap her face. 

Tuesday, November 23

Aku malas nak fikir tajuk

Nugget hangus , nice. Adik aku masak nugget td , and aku x membantu -_- Sebab tgh text dgn orang , hoho. Then last2 nugget tu hangus. Aku jerit kat dia , nugget hangus. But dia buat bodoh je. -_- Adik aku fkir aku main2 ke ape ? Aku baik lah. Aku tak tipu org. Eii perasan.

oh , and fyi im a werewolf wannabe. hoho. sebab aku suka makan daging yang tak masak. Adakah ia sangat gross ? "Mestilah geli , kau perempuan" blah ah kau. Jangan samakan aku dgn perempuan lain.

I gave my blog's link to someone , yang aku nervous sgt ni pahal ? Tak nak history berulang ? c'mon ah zulaikha , x yah ah jd coward sangat. Yang dah lepas tu biar ah , ergh. -___-


get it ? ciao

2011 nanti , kwn2 aku tgk aku mesti dah tak cam aku , HOHO . Tahun depan rambut aku dh panjang smpai ke kaki haaaa, (im a malay vampire wannabe) , dah kurus , ni duk kampung pun turun 4 kg , then dah naik 2 kg. Makan bnyk sgt lembu . AHHH BASHITA. mi ho's style B-)

adam either kau dah berubah or aku yang dah berubah ? But whatever , skrg mmg dah jd completely stranger , heh -.- Small things can effect 'us'. ergh -_- just shut up zulaikha.

soon , PMR , fight till u die tomorrow , fyeah. Alamak , next year perlu ke aku tuisyen dgn Pute' lagi ? deng.

aku xde life , ciao haters , i love u so much

While everyone is looking forward for cinemas

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow , HELLO 

Deathly Hallows Unseen photo ni, hehe B-)

Takyah tgk movie , dah khatam semua dah B-) Kau x boleh nak lawan , aku die-hard fan. Heh. Kau jangan nak bajet , nak lawan quiz ke  ?

"Shut up la Zulaikha , biar lah diaorg"

Btw , aku jumpe some benda bodoh ni , HAHAHAHA (Tak post lg dah gelak) hahahaha

Ok , ni special. Betul ke ni butterbeer yang betul ? Bagi aku sikit.Eh jap , macha halal ke tak ? 

BYE, Otak aku membosankan ah malam ni

Again , mcm mane aku senyum ? -.-

Raya Aidil Adha. I love u lembu , HAHAHA

Sakinah , asal kau tak text aku ?

Nak quit ke jd PP? When i was 13 , i proud to be one , but when im 14 , more like a doll. Sakinah is going to quit , dia nak jadi koperasi. Memang tu pun dream dia dari form one , Heh. As for me , nak ikut Sakinah :/ Jeles tahu Farah,Anis,Nisak jaga koperasi. Aku jd PP , heh tahun ni ramai orang dah berubah. Hipokrit. ptuih. Ok , mari merancang ke arah masa depan. (Ayat bodoh)

  • Gamelan (Err , nak teruskan ke? Nanti tnye cikgu lah)
  • KRS (Nanti bincang dgn diaorg la. Lagipun krs ade Adam. errr -_-)
  • Nilam (Mak punya idea)
  • PMR (9A , insya Allah :) )
  • pakwe  (Tak boleh , nanti heartbroken lagi. HOHO PENGECUT)



Well , is it good if u laugh at ur own joke ?
Well , act its a meaning , you are lonely

Yo , i have a new hobby , which is smiling in front of the mirror , i admit , im afraid with mirrors , but sometime it can makes u happy. At least u have ur own creepy reflection , as a what we called a Friend ? Okay , thats .... creepy. 

Btw meet Abe

So , straight to the point->
Aku dapat hobi tu sebab en , aku x pasti mcm mane aku senyum actually. Bodoh ke aku ni ? hahaha . *Avada Kedavra . Okay , maybe im stupid. in relationships actually. 

Mcm bodoh je post ni. Ciao

:D Living with them

Hello :) I want to post where i live right now , ok senang kata my second home la en ? Act benda ni nak post dah lama dah , but asyik lupa . Nyanyuk , cihhh

Gmbr ni lebih cun if aku ade kat depan tu , HOHO . Perasan

my homies.

Bye :-) Gosh , i miss my friends , ASAL TAKDE SORANG TEXT AKU HAAA ? INI BOLEH MENDATANGKAN MARAH. Dah berapa kali aku touching sorang2.  Haih

Fox Rain- Lee Sun Hee

“When it was raining on a clear day,it is called Fox Rain.This is because I was crying.” – Gu Mi Ho

Pisssh , bila dengar lagu ni je , mesti touching gila , :’D Hahahaha. Ni OST My girlfriend is A Gumiho. Kau tak suke lagu ni , xpe. Aku suke :) Ni Lee Sun Hee nyanyi 

Monday, November 22

Cause im speechless

I said I’d never let you go, and I never did, I said I’d never let you fall, and I always meant it.

Am i ? 

Hey. I had a mixed feelings , bout him. Or maybe someone , whatever. Since i became a stranger to A , i become a what Sakinah called a playgirl. Am i ?
I started to like lots of boys , then after a few minutes , i become heartless.



Erghh tak pasal2 aku mencarut :/


buku teks pendidikan islam sabrina mane ?

dah bakar

betul2 la

mane aku tau
kau bagi
geli sial !

kau ingat aku nak sgt ah bagi kau ?
aku gelabah ah mase tu

kau diam ah

babi bajet sial

mane aku tau
kau letak lepas tu aku ngn kawan aku bla

korang punye pulangan buku bila ?


aku bgtau cikgu la

huh ?

korang last sekali nmpk buku tu kan ?
yg tak ambik asal ?

geli bodoh
kau tau kan kiterang anti die
geli sial !

kau sedar x tu buku ape ?
pendidikan islam kan ?
kalu anti pun ambik je la

aku letak atas meja

meja sape ?


kau dgr tak aku suruh bg sabrina ?


td baru ckp kau anti sabrina
babi nk tipu x pandai ,


serius la ,


first time aku mencarut dgn junior ni


isnin kau cari buku tu

buat ape ?

buku die kan?

malas aku

dosa kau tanggung ,

asal lak ?

pergi tnye mak kau

mak2 jangan maen

pergi tnye sape yg berilmu lah
aku bukan ejek mak kau


yg kau tak hbs2 bajet dgn aku asal haa?

kau tau aku maen2 kan ?



mintak maaf skrg

maaf diminta

k chow
aku on sbb nk tnye psl buku je

chow !