Sunday, September 25

Acting childish. c'mon , be brave. stop being a chicken , hun. enjoy ur life before we r going to be in form 4 next year. it's now. or. never.

kbye x


Nine days until PMR , and omg idk what im doing here. I mean , what im doing in front of comp. I wonder what the others pmr candidates r doing. course , study la kan. And im still wearing my clothes that i wear when i was in tuition. Tuition was okay , until we found someone that we hate . (we means me and one of my friend) I was like omg this is sooooo arghhh.

Btw yesterday spent rm50 at sri tanjung , true is , i was having fun. A lot. but for the second thought rm50 can buy nine detective conans comics or topup or new flats , or maybe buy anis's bday present. And sakinah used my tumblr lately , some of the posts kinda remind me of adam. yes , the guy that i used to have crush when i was 14 and 13. lol. it was kinda weird having adam as classmate as im in pge1. well his seat in class is in front of me. lol.

Wednesday, September 7


i thought tuesday was monday , when i saw prefects petang pasang mic. Mic tu memekak do , sakit telinga haih. Btw form four mula mengambil alih pentadbiran majlis tertinggi pemimpin murid. form 5 direhatkan and form three pulak emmmm bersuka ria dan bebas ? Entah. but aku tahu aku memang  tak bertugas langsung.

Hari ni gelak bnyk sangat , makan pun bnyk. bukan salah aku. syahirah memaksa aku makan nasi lemak walaupun hakikatnya time rehat aku dh makan nasi lemak anis dgn nasi goreng kantin. aku tahu lah korang jeles aku baru turun dua kg , ni ape cerita nk gemukkan kan aku ni ? pergh dramatik sungguh aku ni.

Hari ni penat cari cikgu maths semata mata nk betulkan markah. berbaloi when kira2 balik maths dapat A. tepat tepat 80. walaupun 80 je........ A la tu. kita kena bersyukur bak kata sape ntah. Agama nisak dpt 96. Over en ? menyampah aku. beza 3 markah dgn aku -,- Takpe , kita kena bersyukur bak kata sape ntah.

Eh cepat lah hbs pmr , nk shopping sakan ni . Nak ni do :


Tuesday, September 6


Sakinah's tumblr. She's wearing a pushmina. Tahan gelak. tahan gelak tahan gelak. K tergelak. She's so pretty , tak kisah la pakai apa pun. (and ofc kalau dia baca ni, nnti mesti dia marah aku balik "Kau lg lawa bla bla bla")

Btw ustazah gave our bhsa arab's marks. THE ZZZZZ 65 ? B do , OMG B. I was like tidaaaaaaaaaaaak. then sakinah came dgn gelak2 , "zulaikha kau comel do td" Pergh minah ni , hati tgh berduka lara dia sempat buat lawak. "kau ckp tidaaaaaaak kat depan td comel . kitaorg kat belakang gelakkan kau" hmmm ini lah kwn sejati =..=

and tadi bnyk sgt gelak dgn Anis. Oh td masa perhimpunan , aku naik pentas (hehehehe) ambik hadiah debate. Knp cikgu bg novel.. where are the sijil ? and asal takde foods ? Hm tak nk masuk lah mcm ni lagi. Tak nk kwn dgn cikgu.. And td pengetua marah kitaorg. Wat lek ah pengetua hehehe :D

Oh selamat hari raya , jong jong , JH<3 , ummm Hoho , umm sape lg ? jo twins and etc. Takde duit raya. Kau dh kaya dok kerja menyanyi , takkan nk duit raya kot. tak senonoh -.- #lolakumerepek

Maka di sini dimumukan aku turun 2 kg. Uish lawak gila. Tiba2 ain menyampuk "aku turun 6 kg" aku yang ketika itu sedang makan nasi goreng anis , terkejut. Rupa rupanya dia salah ckp. dia turun 6 kg lepas puasa , bkn raya. Ishh. btw hari ni and esok esok esok duduk kat kelas PGE1 . sedih nya berpisah dgn kwn2 karib..

K ah bye xx