Monday, April 18

Lost in this stupidness


Just now , i was emotional. I felt like i throwing and smashing everything. I was so sad , and mad with myself. I forgot something when i was texting with him. I really did. And i regret for remembering it. It made me feel. Hurt.

Toss my hair , chin up , i said im okay. well actually im not. But i chose to ignore my so called sad feelings. I got loads of things to think apart from .. him.

But im okay now , i really do. I switched on laptop and found a happiness. This sounds cheesy , i know. But sometimes , a small thing can make u really happy and pleased. Just like that.

Kbye. goodnight.

Sunday, April 17

Weird things

  1. Nisak telah matcon memanggil "Junus" when the name is actually Junsu. :/
  2. 'My baby boo' skrg telah menjadi our fav song. Oh sheesh. Padahal x suka pun lagu tu. 
  3. Tak boleh nk study sejarah form one coz sedih bila Portugis dpt Melaka. Dh sedih smpai x boleh nk study
  4. aku buat homeworks. And hari tu farah tanya anis aku nisak sape dh siap agama punya homework. Anis geleng , Nisak angguk. Aku angguk. Then farah mcm. :o :o :O ! (including nisak and anis) Then diaorg tepuk tangan. Just for me :)
  5. Bersemangat mengumpul tin and botol plastik
  6. Hari tu , rezeki melimpah ruah. Alhamdulillah :) Kawan2 bg aku rm3. Tanpa kompromi. Just bagi. Aku x mintak pun. And kat tuisyen , das, ilman , raga , mutaza bagi tins and botol. And i laughed out loud masa balik. With them. Okay tu serius pelik. 
Thats all. Im watching csi right now.Adam , the org yang menyiasat tu tgh main webbie dgn sorang budak perempuan. Then suddenly the girl mati. Betul2 dpn dia , thru webcam. Okay bye ! 

Recycle :p

Someone told me that my smile is charming. Lol. I was like "Aaaa? Kau ckp dgn aku?" Aku sendiri pun x suka dgn cara aku senyum , ini kan org lain ?

Thx for my tuition mates that helped me last Thursday. Bnyk tin and botol aku dapat :D

And im so proud with my classmates , the doors are so cool :D And thank u for 4 Sains Sukan for giving me your tins. And thnk u for budak2 form 5 yang ketawakan kitaorg punya pintu. Haha

K byee

Bosan nyo

Gambar paling gedik , hahaha


Saturday, April 16


"Im the kind of girl that afraid to like people coz when i fall for someone , i fell hard." Ceh

okay atas tu xde kaitan. Act skrg pukul 7 42 pm but suasana gelap gelita di sekeliling rumah aku. Okay seram. Sekarang yang ada kat rumah cuma aku and semua adik laki aku. Tiga2 tidur. Aku je yang still kelip mata,

And aku bosan.

And takut.


Im afraid till x boleh nk lepas rambut. Coz rambut aku mcm hantu. (Bak kata mak aku)

Okay aku dh takut.
 Tak boleh nk taip dah. haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I red Hilal's status bout esuria called his parents. I nearly burst into laughter.

When i was in esuria , my dad will wait at the mcd. With my siblings. Dad will brought his laptop with him. And he'll online. While me? Frying my brain. That was when im 14. Then when recess , i'll go to mcd to : "Abaaaah , nk duiiittt"

But one day , Priya scolded me. She said she will call my dad. For my behaviour suka turun gi mcd ketika rehat. So she called my mom. My mom wont answer coz she was in mosque. and she will never care bout her phone when she's in mosque. Then Priya called my dad. What a stupid thing.

Ayah aku kat seberang jalan je. Kat mcd. Aku turun sbb nk jumpa ayah aku. Bukan sbb nk bunuh diri ke apa. Kau nk report buat apa?

Tonight :B

Thursday, April 14

My boys.

Budak yang terlebih bersemangat.

Umi bagi minum air?


Im in orange, keke

Hai. Assalamualaikum

"Kak yong tengok ni!"
aku : "Woaaaah"

Muka pelik si hafiz


my book la , hahaha


Gatal gusi~


Apa? Saya x mandi lagi


Ada lagi sorang adik laki aku tapi aku xde gmbr dia. Btw this post is for Sakinah, Nabil and budak2 lain yang begitu kasihkan adik aku. Hahaahaha.


Cant stop listening to these :

Big bang-Tonight.
Ukiss- 0330
GP basic- Game

Ni yang aku nk ckp pasal gp basic. Its a name of girls' group. Cuba teka umur diaorg berapa ? 15 :) Sama umur. While maknae diaorg pulak 1998 lahir. Serius muda. A really small number , fifteen. And yes , 13. Omg. but kesian kena kutuk habis habisan lah this group. Yelah budak muda lagi~ Suara pun boleh dgr mcm budak2. But lagu dia best lah. Btw group ni dh kena banned. Korea sangat ketat peraturan nya.

But memang aku tgh dgr lagu game sekarang. hahaaha. Kbye. Btw ukiss tambah ahli , and buang ahli. Aku x rasa apa2 sbb aku heartless and aku x kenal ukiss. But lagu dia sedih. Tapi aku heartless so aku x rasa sedih. Perasan lagi.

Kbyee. 1:14 am

Life is like banana(s)

Yesterday farah yasmin bt yusree was stress. You can know if she was stress. She will talk nonsense and she'll disturb people at fb. Thats her way.

Btw , i found this piccas. (Takde kaitan dgn stress but still, im posting this)

And the buses. Omg omg omg :O

oh her eyes her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining

dj botak , yeah

fly. bye

hahahaaha i like this a lot


Ni sumpah scary



Btw farah yasmin was stress coz of the homeworks. 

Spooky ULBS

Hi. Today was the arabic's ulbs. Kinda like the oral. except we need to talk with Ustazah in arabic. Ah semua diserang penyakit tergagap dan baca 1 minit then lupa balik. hafal , lupa , hafal lupa. It became a game. And the same thing happened to me. The ulbs was at language lab . I managed to have a look at someone before enter the lab.... Dia bukak spec.. hm

And then hafal punya hafal . Bila dh siap , i was like "Omg happynya :') Seksa dh berakhir" Nak hafal syair dlm bahasa arab bukan senang weh. Dua pula tu :') Oh luar biasa betul imtiyazat ni (Perasan)

Then lepas habis belajar Kkq kat surau. Aku lari ke kantin. Sebab lapar gila aaaaaaaaaaa. Bila datang ke gate "Weh tadi kitaorang jumpa dia. Patutnya kau x payah gi kantin td" "Tipu.""Betuul""Okay."

Apa motif aku type ini ? Haha . Kbye

I miss blogging

Yes i really do. So hey.

I was on tumblr lately. I changed my blog's url. I didnt want to be founded. I was extremely mad at that time. HAHA. btw ,I want to makeup my blog but i cant find any suitable lipgloss , mascara , blusher , and wtv stuffs. So sorry lah blog. Kau terhodoh macam ni. ekekekeke~

K bye.