Saturday, October 29

I said maggi can cure my broken heart , lol . Cheesy benor. And i need maggi right now hahaha.

Things are getting worser , i hate this and i hate myself for being dumb.


Imtiyazat's outing was okaaaaaaaaaaay.

We went to mcd sec 3 and then pas and then sacc. The boys played bowling and we were amazed with them. Especially amir , goddd macho betul time dia main hahaha lol. And i met my childhood friend , haziq and also budak tuisyen yang aku tak tahu nama dia. Seeing haziq , i was actually surprised to see him , he used to be a cute little boy.. And now he is so so so matured.

And anis and i dissapeared a lil bit from the others' sight. We found something attractive , and too bad we cant manage to take a picca of it. Haish

Btw yesterday ada latihan netball. Anis and Nisa were fully trained and aku lebih bnyk layan perasaan lol. and anis said smthng about kambing , and somehow it reminded me of the prefect's dinner hahaha. Ckp pasal kambing , i stop my diet. lol. for some reasons that cannot be avoided.


Saturday, October 22


tweet tweet


Is dieting (so ha-ha) , collecting money money mohhhhney (duhh) and trying to stay balance all the time.

So hi , now im online-ing at cc , thanks to ummi for sending me here and pay for it. Well before she got the idea to leave me here , ALONE , i was texting with Sakinah and mengadu betapa gilanya aku nk online. Well laptop dh takde , so nk buat mcm mana ? And so , i went to my mom's room and again , mengadu the same thing. and weheeee my mom said she will leave me at cc. yay <3

But still , tak sebest online di rumah :( But hey hey aku kena bersyukur ...

And im still looking for something i can do as pmr dh hbs , so takkan nk stdy ? And i borrowed a lot of novels , but ergh semua dh hbs baca. Ummi why u trained me to speed reading when i was a little girl ? Semua novel dh hbs bacaaaa nk buat apa lg ?

Oh . i did say im diet-ing which is so ha-ha . But aku dh takde kerja nk buat , so aku diet lah. Btw diet sgt menyusahkan. aku cepat lapar.

kbye x