Saturday, August 27

My not bias and my bias , hehe saranghae

happy birthday sungyeol :D

He's not actually my bias , but still , saengil chukamnida (betul ke eja haha) Btw meet my ultimate bias :) =


Lagu be mine-infinte daebak :)

Siapa kau yang habis cred aku hmmmmmmmm?

When fairydust vanish

Lifeless eh ?

Hi it's a brand new day (lol) it's 12:36 am and i dont know what im doing in front or the lappy , having facebook in one of my tab eventho fb is heartbreaking. right... stupid. Btw im hearing something. someone is playing piano. my neighbour kot. oh wait , main malam malam ? ._.

farah asked me to listen the you and i song , and she said the song was awesome but my exception was mesti x sedap lagu ni. mesti lagu bosan. and when i listened to it , it was sad and id9qdun9uoqed89 dont know how to describe ha-ha.

Fav songs right now : Hands up, you and i , be mine. hehe :)

And im sick watching you. im sick of being friend with u. u're such a pain , seriously. Its weird how u made me hurt lots and lots of the time but still , i never tell u i hate u. i want to tell u this , i want to text u , but it will hurt u and i dont want to be the one who tries to cheer u up. Ergh

Btw bye.


True. Kbye

Friday, August 26

Again JH :)

gambar is totally takde kaitan what im gonna write hehe. just putting him up there coz.. i dunno. i put his pic for no reason. Btw today was Thursday and yeah merdeka. trial dah habis , raya nk dekat , pmr pun dah dekat. Best nya pmr , hihi aku memang sukaaaaa sangat :) Oh btw , kh was arghhhhhhh cant describe into words. it was awfully amazingly hard and sickening. i banged my desk twice. but no one took notice and i nearly screamed. but i went to the toilet instead of screaming mcm org kena rasuk hehe

but the bibik kat tandas actually didnt let me enter the toilet but i took notice. Heh aku x jahat tau , just malas nk layan. then i heard that the bibik was babbling something bout me. hehehehe that bibik had a crush on me :')

it is 2:48 am right now and im not in my room , sleeping. im in living room and stupidly typing crap in my blog . i mean , siapa nk baca blog aku hahahaha ? Heh it's only me :) Oh well suka hati lah. 

Btw nayly tadi talked to me bout my sej's marks and i asked her mcm mana dia tahu markah sejarah aku and she answered Farah faheera. o wait nayly tuisyen ke hari khamis. ??? Eh buat fikir pasal dia. Btw hah tadi tgk live lagu mr simple. cam biasa i was heartless ....

then part kyuhyun.. "OMG OMG OMG OMG" Seriously muka serious. (lol) Muka dia serious gila haahahhaah macho do. Well its true , laki yang serius macho en. Oh wait , aku x maksudkan din pengawas 10 sen yg form 5 kat skolah yang kalau bising dlm library dia dtg and will say "kau bising , bayar 10 sen" hmm cm tu la dialog dia macho. aku x ckp dia macho. eh amenda macho macho ni.

And we made plans what to do after pmr. sleepover , maggi-ing , cari pakwe . cari pakwe telah direject kerana entah. lol. K bnyk nya merepek. Btw mana rahman dia tak balas text aku =..= 

ciao assalamualaikum slmat hari raya xx :)

Thursday, August 25

Farahhh hahaha

Cheekbone amenda tu aku x faham -.- But farah ckp aku ada cheekbone ahahahaha amenda tu. Aku tahu tu amenda tp mcm lawak je aku ada. eh ye ke? or diaorg tipu. btw,

"Im your man"

Hahahaha dah gila. farah punya pasal ni , k ah bye xx

Tuesday, August 23

Tumblr mah source

When it’s a big day tomorrow but you can’t fall asleep because you’re too nervous/excited and your brain doesn’t shut up. You’re just lying there, different versions of imaginary scenarios are playing over and keeping your mind active.

Gila kau apa kau dh buat dlm hidup aku kalau aku tak kenal kau kalau aku tak kisah langsung pasal kau aku takkan jd cmni ishhh taip takde koma dgn fullstop mati la cmni no wonder bm asyik dapat B k dodol punya olang aigo yoyoyoyo aishh kenapa aku kenal kau -.- kan dah gila k ah bye merepek je bnyk main je bnyk buang masa je bnyk study tak btw pakwe aku hensem hihihi eh dia bukan pakwe aku -.- perasan nyaa k ah bye.

merepek. aku tahu. 

Kau -.-

Kau memang suka bg hope. Sweet talker go die.

K so today we got our result for sejarah , omg mine was totally unbelievable. HAHA. Tapi agak membanggakan. Celebrate dgn maggi lai. K so huh tadi balik lambat. Farhan merepek nk bg rantai untuk bday aku =..= aku tahu lah kau kaya bro tapi perlu ke mcm tu ? So i laughed and said , "takpelah tak nk hadiah bday"

btw tadi library punya lampu terbakar. bau dia haisssssssh boleh mati hidu -.- Then din bukak tingkap and aku ckp aku x nk keluar dari library. then dia tgk aku mcm "kau nk mati ke?" tapi last2 aku keluar jgak sbb ckgu ckp library tutup. cikgu ckp bahaya. Heh aku duduk kat kantin lg bahaya. Bau burger. Apa org kantin tu buat masak burger ?

Hish -.-

Tmrw tinggal maths , then KH . Hahaha kh mati lah x study. Takpe lah tawakal je lah. (ayat Sakinah apabila mls nk study) And ahad balik kampung yay yay yay. Aku x tahu knp aku excited. bukannya ada internet pun kat situ. (act ada tapi lappy sepupu aku) And nk beli topup pun rumit.


Balik raya boleh makan bnyk , hm apa rahsia nenek aku masak sedap ? Aku pun masak sedap tapi kalau dh letak atas pinggan terus tak sedap. aneh sekali sih. and skrg dah kena rancang nk buat ape lepas pmr :D

Sunday, August 21


Dont give me hopes k ? :)

Saturday, August 20


K apa dh jadi dgn aku ni. Bnyk sgt texting dgn manusia yang tak dikenali inilah jadinya. Otak pun dh tak waras. Hm bahaya ni. risiko darah tinggi. bnyk sgt stress. K tadi nmpk rantai owl , dah bersemangat nk beli , then tetiba mak aku x bg sbb takut nenek aku x approve bnda2 haiwan mcm ni. so beli rantai bentuk bunga . yang menyedihkan , aku nk OWL :( Hm takpe lah takde jodoh.

Btw tgh download lagu , hohoho.

And aku tgk syazwan naim quit from jadi pemimpin murid, aku pun nk join. :O Patut lah time hari tu syazwan tgk aku dgn muka bersalah. and lpas beberapa lama baru dia ckp "Zulaikha , aku dh quit pp" Aku pun mcm Wow. Baru je hari tu lady boss kita marah tak boleh quit , mamat ni boleh quit

"asal x ajak aku?"
"aku nk ajak , tapi.."

aku still stuck jd pm aka pp. *sighs*

And that day i asked sakinah mcm mana nk dpt A in bm ? and ofc she said bnyk baca buku. i answered , "ahem , aku pengiktirafan nilam" then dia ckp maybe aku baca novel tak berfaedah kot. Haha , made sense.

One in one

1) Trial was awesome. Fulled with moaning and "Amenda ni??????" and the kind of feeling that will make u cry if u got B. btw I cant believe that history was easy. As for bahasa arab , as expected it was whoaa hard. I did my essay like crap. having fun merepek.

2)Tension lately. tadi dah terpecahkan pinggan. Hm
