Sunday, October 17

How i spend my weekend

After finish arabic class , Farah n i went to Anis's house. We played (lol) with ayish , ebi , n Anis's lil bro. Skateboard n GTA . Hahahahahahhaha. Then photoshoot. LOL .

Me n Faez's bro. (ebi/ibi) in fact , he's my bro in law. Haha. Anis's face was doodled. Her wish k

Amir , anis's lil bro enterframe. Make this as default . HAHA

One happy family. Ignore my tudung. hahaha. Anis ckp , farah mcm first wife. Aku second.

Sunday , again , Anis's house. Jatuh mase main skateboard , my elbow hurts. Met ibi mase dh nk balik. Bye

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